For the New Year, Fortuneo spoils its customers with a royal bonus (€170)

 Fortuneo is organizing a seduction operation for the new year. Anyone who opens a (free) account before midnight on January 10, 2024 can receive a 170 euro cash bonus.

Fortuneo is starting 2024 off to a flying start with an exceptional bonus for the very first account opening: 160 euros in cash for this step and an additional 10 euros if you open a savings account . This is the largest amount observed in 2023 and it will probably remain a record this year.

Concretely, you must open an account (free) and choose the Gold Mastercard to claim this bonus of 170 euros. However, there is a condition to respect to obtain this high-end card for free: you will have to provide proof of at least 1,800 euros net per month. If this is your case, bingo: you have a free current account, a free Gold and 170 euros waiting for you at Fortuneo!

Fortuneo does not ask you to make this a primary bank account, nor to close your current bank account. The bank just asks you to make a minimum of one transaction per month to keep everything free. In the end, compared to the average bank fees charged in France (220 euros per year according to a Panorabanques study ), you can therefore make a gigantic saving. Why not make it the good resolution for 2024?


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